On Thursday night as me and a couple of my friends were heading into Great American Ballpark to see the Reds/Mets game one of the security guys at the ballpark "really went above and beyond the call of duty to insure our safety at the game." One of my friends, whose name shall remain anonymous, decided to "help" provide our protection that night. As we entered the park the "wand guy" picked our friend out of the crowd to do a strip search, uh I mean a wand search. I really think by the way he was looking at Dean, oops I said I wasn't going to say his name, that he really wanted to do a strip search though. Dean, oops there I go again, decides to carry in his own protection. No it wasn't that type of protection so get your mind out of the gutters. He did something I would recommend no one do and that was bring his pocket size AK-47 into the park......BAD IDEAL......
For some strange reason Cincinnati's finest frowned on this move. After loaning him a nice tight pair of shinning bracelets to wear on his wrists they hauled him off down the tunnel, no this was not to see the dugouts up close either. Me and my other friend did all we could to try to keep this off U-Tube, the crowd was just to large and rowdy to stop all of them though. Seems like everyone carries a video camera these days. This story is still breaking news, but the last time I checked there was only fifty three copies out there, so not too bad at this point.
We took this photo in case anyone sees our friend walking around the streets of Cincinnati looking for his truck. If you come across anyone answering to the name of Dean, I had to use his name this time......please call 555 REDS and we will be right there to get him.......by the way his wife said to make sure it's clear that there is no reward offered for his safe return.....just do the right thing!!!!!!!!!!
Where is this guy. I think I owe him a beer.
bet he took one from Big Johnny.
I just watched the YouTube video!
you tube says it's the "most watched" video this year.....wow Dean
I vote dumbass
I vote dumbass
That's already two votes dumbass, make it three that's the way I vote as well
Hey dudes back off......This is my quarterback man.....I mean friend
Whoever wrote "he's my quarterback" remember this. There's no crying in baseball, this isn't football and I think he said his name was Dean not Tony Romo.......screw football....baseball rocks
Can anyone vote here.....I think yes he might be a dumbass, but if he is always packing don't tell him I said that
Is he a big dude, must not be if he needs to be packin inside a ballpark. With that said I guess I vote dumbass as well.
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